I have always thought of yielding things out of nothingness and fortunately I always end up abyss.
Friday, December 30, 2011
When Nothing is Right
Friday, December 16, 2011
Back to Blog
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Please let me sleep.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
2 Weeks at INFA
dig deep inside but as the depth decreases ,
things get clearer and clearer.
The range of my visibility may be matched
but the amount of tracks that it creates is
vast and unmanageable.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Broken Times
Monday, October 10, 2011
"I was like a Robot , brainwashed in the name of God"
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Raghu Chronicles: Chapter 9: -Spoilers of the Strangest Moments
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Udumalpet Day
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Raghu Chronicles- Chapter 8 :- The Restoration
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Temptations that refuse to Persist

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Raghu Chronicles - Chapter 7:-New Extremes
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Raghu Chronicles - Chapter 6: The Aftermath
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Changing Times
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The tear that dripped
Monday, August 22, 2011
Time for Change
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
My Bucket List
- Go to the himalayas and stand in one leg for 5 hours with no thoughts
- Skydive at Germany with my friends like in Point Break
- Watch Avatar alone at beach in 3D
- Eat Vella Sadya at Aranmula
- Fight till I bleed a bottle of blood
- Complete my Gethodacharitha script
- Send my parents for a 10 day package to Singapore
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Other Side of Greatness
It was about 8:30 and I came back with the grandparents and son of the waiters and there was sweat dripping all around. We went to 506 and then fluctuations started to flow all around. There was some trip prescribed to generate the pain and the bride was taken for the trips. That is when the rest of the crew followed and 506 suddenly drained. There was silence around and I saw the father of the bride sitting there tensed with thoughts which were building in his life for the first tiem. Thoughts which lacked decisions. Thoughts were built that lacked proper structures, all I witnessed was a drip of sweat in his cheek which he was not aware of. I remembered Kavita for a moment. I asked him - "Are you tensed?"Sometimes great people reply in the craziest manner which one would never expect, " I am a person who is 40 years elder than you, normally we do not bring children to such places". There was arrogance in his words.
"Hehe" , I thought. "It was your son-in-law who invited me to this place, I was to leave by 6:00 and he hesitated as there was no one around. I know that I have no role here but had to stay back for him. If you were a friend of mine, I would have given you a beautiful pat. Something that you would cherish forever. But you are not my friend and there is no one to pat you.Lets speak something else". The person on the other happened to be a senior scientist at Indian Space Research Organization. Suddenly , I was about to back engineer his college life, his inability moments . Moments when he lost control and had to adopt to actions where he saw an alternate of himself which he never wanted to generate out of him. There was lacked of self control . " Offending him more would mean bad at this moment", I thought.I asked him to accompany me to the labor room front where his wife was waiting with silence. I knew I had to leave. I wished her in advance and waived a bye. I felt a pat in my back. The old man had changed.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Shook me All Life Long
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Burning Ditch
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Raghu Chronicles: Chapter 5 - Micro Glimpses
Monday, July 4, 2011
Madness Fullfilled

Days have been going faster than ever before. I felt like seeing Lagaan once again at Sree Vishakh theatre. I had lived them ordinarily, but the moments still persists like fresh in my mind. I even remember sleeping inside my mother’s stomach. I still dream every bit of them. Most people laugh at me. I see bubbles going round the bag and some red light surrounding me. I still remember those moments when Dr Sati took me onto her hands and I kept staring at her face and my mom’s lean image.
That is the way it all started. I entered the world and got the first shades of air at 9:57 AM on the 22nd of September of 1989. The lives of nine people have changed since I have entered the drama. Up there is a lot of people who are yet to become part of the drama. The velocity is increasing so is the pace of thoughts. Every mind out there is exercising every moment it lives so as to cache each part of it. Fire , Wind, Earth , Water , Ether etc , but what was the etcetera for , coz the list doesn't end Waves, Digitonics, Wrangloths, Jilachos . These have ceased to be found out. The terminologies might sound bit awkward but let me explain-
Waves - The reason for Goosebumps on our bodies. I have had experiences during hot times when self pleasing thoughts with lots of patriotism have yielded the most out of this phenomenon.
Digitonics- The cause of existence of thoughts and changing feelings towards related features that we daily witness. It is a purely mathematical model which has relations to the control over the atmosphere. Intraplanetary influence over the human body can be explained only on the basis of these interpretations which can be easily made through digitonics.
Wrangloths - Responsible for the attraction and ability to adjust with the fellow beings in the surroundings. Could be present in anything that has the capability to exist . The quest of possession of a mind is unanswerable at this juncture.
Jilachos - A chemical combination that can make a platform for a processing junction. Uses the above mentioned three features .
Finally, one doubt exists, if randomness can clearly define chaos and destiny. What role does life play in determination of unsolved mysteries?
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Raghu Chronicles:Chapter 4- When Life Strikes Back
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
When Frustrations are Released
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Raghu Chronicles: Chapter 3 -Selfishness
Monday, June 13, 2011
Path towards Destiny
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Raghu Chronicles :Chapter 2- Impotence
Saturday, June 11, 2011
When the Past haunts you
Kung Fu Panda 2 was a spectacular experience. I felt like watching all of John Woo movies again. The hangover is still there. I watch the "Hard Boiled" trailer atleast twice a week. Chow Yun Fat was Woo's Aravind Swamy. The climax of KFP2 was another Dragon experience, the quest for peace and next problem that keeps life going.
When Po's master tells - "I am happy that you have found inner peace at such a young age ", it clearly showed the master's lack of inner peace. Well, that was the reason the dragon warrior was chosen as the panda. He thinks of heroism and fails and when he doesn't think about it , he simply creates legend. Well that is what life is all about . To further analyse,KFP2 is really a three version movie, The Thinkers' version, The Fun Lover's version and the Sentimentalist version, the very irony that made me compare the toothpick cop and the potbelly panda.
Death of parents at a very early age is indeed painful, but that pain was sorted out again through a set of reasons that had made the panda , the warrior . The past itself is the problem and solution . Another factor that kept me awake after the movie was the very dialogue that I heard ,"My Son is ALIVE!!, MY SON IS ALIVE".
I do not want to conclude telling that-“ I cant wait for the third part or that my BP has gone down.” But , the only way to keep the movie going was this way and the writer did take quite a bit of time to realize it. Keep your future going with the very thought that it does not make any relationship to your present. It is just a matter of hard work and conscience.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Raghu Chronicles :- Chapter 1. When the Mind searches for a Reason

Monday, June 6, 2011
As Time Passes By
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
No one behaves "the same way" when they are at a situation of "do or die." It is because of the latter factor. Well, in my life tiem, I happen play to the first phases fearing death,after a while it just happened to get "erased off." "Once you loose the fear of it, life begins"- the quote is always there. But the fact is, "When life begins, you again start to fear DEATH :)". Continuing with the movie, well it has got no drawback at all except that the director wanted to make the child unique and have me convinced that the child already knew the logistics and other details of the systems and then the awe part, to impose a clear cut idea about "how the world would end :).""We vest all our responsibilities on the machine, "Where the hell would would life go then?" . The answer is quite complicated even tho it is a single line one- "We are the laziest part of this system and the ones who work hard, they just want to end up being what we are :) and we, we just want to become "THEM" "
Alternate egoes happen to dominate everyone's life, you see a beautiful young lady out somewhere, the very first thing "I use to think was "- "What a girl!!" , now these days, my very perspective about the notion of beauty has changed, I keep thinking-" What attribute's her beauty?" . Well it was her "back" for a while (in fact it happened for the past 8 years or so), now the very perspective is changing . "I want someone who refuses me and challenges all my thoughts telling that - "You just happened to be a stupid fellow who has achieved nothing". "But , will I find someone like it.?"
I have the answer for the last question too."Well ,it happens that nothing happens by itself unless there are factors like luck and other details involved and in the situation, the only option I have "is to churn a character and mould it in such a way that, it makes her feel that she is deprived and struggling and doesnt want to fight.""All the people in a way are ilke that for god sake!". Genuity is born out of life and the moment you start loosing it, it simply means that you have to start a new one. "What an IDEOLOGY :)".The creator of the system had everything inside "Joshua".It just restarted upon a simple quest :) and then the realization part in the form of a learning.