The characteristics of beauty were recently defined as Facades of the bearer. Now, thinking about shapes and curves made him happy for a while. Sometimes, the degree of turn required had to be in proportion to the satisfaction that he wanted. Eventually, upon the moment, when he felt the world on his brain, he went onto a deep sleep forgetting what had happened the whole night. Next day, he was born again. There was happiness all around, flowers, rain, chill, KTV, 90A. Genes on the stop, flowers on the road, steam from the Ram mess and everything that he wanted.
The past few days had gone well and as usual, he was expecting a turn around with which life would make him sad again. Whenever he proposed, the executor simply waived with a feel of nothingness. Refinement was the process that was taking place and all he was living was a filtered approach which lacked risk and failure. But, the amount of loneliness and stick that the mind feels during such times makes it want what is denied. Similar was the day.
There was a strict decision against Bajjis that Raghu had taken after the discovery of excess fat in his body. Since the day was so good that Raghu was sure to forget it, his mind traversed through a sequence of phases that forced the system to eat bajjis. Now, the very decision to bajjis came after a very long time of thoughts. Should I eat , Should I eat , Should I eat, Should I eat, Yes , Yes , Yes , Yes , Yes NO. Rendu Mulaka Bajji , Moonnu Vengaya Bonda, Randu Vengaya Vada, Rendu Parippu, Randu Veggu Bonda ,Moonnu Mutta, Ru Uzhundu, Randu Vazhakka, Munu Pazhabajji , totally 20 bajjis and there was no shame to pay the 80 bucks. It suddenly went through his mind – “My Roommate drinks for 150 rupees a week”. May be this is my alcohol.
Bhai was there watching Raghuram eating like hell. Seeing him eat, he had betted his gondas that it would exceed 100 bucks, but it happened that he lost it just because of a lame 20 figure. Well twenty happens to be very lesser than 750 which Bhai happened to pay. The loss had to be matched. The captain can’t keep losing and it was winning time for Bhai. The last time, India played, Bhai lost 4000 Rupees due to dada. But the spirit of dada still lives within Bhai. Well, afterall – “ONCE A FAN, ALWAYS A FAN” .Bhai’s mind was fluctuating like the old bulb at Harihar Villa. I should be back winning and I have a nice opportunity to regain my pride. I must be the charmy Bhai and not the dushkun Bhai. Bulbs glow like hell before they fuse, some even glow like sun before blowing. Bhai decided, “Raghu is going to eat for 120 bucks tomorrow”.
Tuesdays were the worst days in Raghu’s life except for this one where he got a treat of Bajjis from Charmy Bhai and all he had to do was dip it in the chutney and blow his cheeks and sleep with happiness. Bhai was a person of great achievement and anything that he does was assumed to be a token of love and all you had to return was respect . But , the friendship between Raghu and Bhai was an underground one. Nobody , other than Raghu and Bhai knew this secret Bajji deal.
The bajji evenings became a sensation inside the tea shop and the owner started getting lots of people in his shop during his Raghu hours. Bhais around the town gathered and staked Raghu. Raghu was never aware of this phenomenon . What was thought to be a bad habit was becoming a lifestyle in Raghu’s diary.
As usual, When a spoon of honey turns out to be a bottle of honey, the taste reduces. The high bidders started to loose and thought of fixing Raghu. The only guy who stuck to the best consistency was Charmy Bhai and one fine day , it was noted that Raghu had been taking bribes from Bhai. What was thought to be a match of spirit and blood had turned out to be a fixed one.
Raghu was beaten up for a reason which he still doesn’t know and the worst thing is , he was beaten up by Bhai himself which he attributes to the unpaid amount that was bujjied. Life was getting normal again and sweeping the brain for new junks.