The day just went unexpected. I got my Professional Certificate in Java Programming delivered onto my moms hands after three months of awaitance. There was a funny moment when I saw a company called IBM back off like turds after taking up the aptitudes from the softies. It is getting almost to cent percent sure that I am going to INFA Corp. The days unusual fact was when one of my staffs was seen giving punishments to five of my class mates.
I do not have a single thought that justifies that she intended to do it. She was chilled the entire semester and just realized that she is another member of the society . There was a change of hair style which is still making me wonder what is going wrong with her. Sometimes , you act in a way and lead it in such a way that the mind never wanted to do it. It is just the other side of you that you never want to take out. Another unique thing about the day was the alter ego of Gaga that I found on the net . Maybe true but I do feel that the day was entirely unique for everyone who lived it and I wish there was no more of such days in this life tiem.Wait, someone just messaged- "Due to bad impression, future companies are not going to be invited".God, I hope I never lived this day.