I want anonymity , the freedom to walk everywhere without being noticed.
I want to be special in front of at the max 5 people in my whole lief tiem.
Why do I blog if I want anonymity?
It is because I need to open and realize the flow of my thoughts at some point. Internet is the safest place to do it. I tell it to someone who in-turn be part of my life, then I can be taken advantage of.
Even if I am taken advantage of, I would prefer it is done by someone whom I am going to live my whole life with . Someone who is within my reach , someone who knows me and I know of.
Are you possessive?
I don't know, I have never got a comment like that around my circles. Possessiveness is good , given that you are willing to share and change the needy. I would never have realized that without my sister.
How often do you prefer seeing new people ?
I don't mind seeing new people, but I do prefer meeting few new people. My past is going to live with me regardless of whom I am with and what my surroundings are.
What if your past changes and turns out to be something that you never imagined it was and the realization comes that the story was written from a fully different perspective ?
I would accept the reality and move on. My perspective is what I see. Your perspective is what you see. If there is someone who can change my vision, it is going to be someone who has seen me in years, who has known be for the person I am and thinking about me at least once a week.
Why do some people prefer to stay away and act affectionate and don't do anything useful when the time comes ?
I don't know, sometimes we never change and it is very difficult for us to accept the fact that someone we saw in a manner is no longer the same. Sometimes we pacify ourselves stating that it is just an act, a play that is going on and be a character that you are not and join the gang, sometimes we just are ourselves and found annoying to live on with what is happening (at-least in front of others).
Over years, how much have you changed, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I am a person who wants to live for 100 years, so I would answer to where do you wanna see yourself in 100 years, I would prefer to live the last years of my life at my hometown where I belong. I would wanna see my next 3 generations blossom and be around me at least for 2 weeks every year.
How long are you going to be part of the software industry ?
I became part of the software industry at the age of 9 when I wrote my first QBASIC code. I still remember the UI and most of it. I was always good at debugging, probably the reason I chose a destructive job.
Today was one of those days when I saw a completely pessimistic presentation of a person who was totally destructive minded like me. To the question of where you would want to see yourself in 10 years, I would like to take his seat in 10 years, that would be my answer .
To the question of how long in the software industry , I am gonna be there as long as programs as executed as stacks.
What are you going to do when the programs are no longer stackular ?
I am going to the college labs again to figure out what is the new bottle they drink and taste it . I will also figure out how to transform the new DS to a stack so that I am not lost in balance.