This is something that I have always wanted to write about. There are variety of characters that I have met up in these 24 years of life. As I am about to complete quarter of my life in this world, I found a strange me within my self.
There is someone who likes to be damn arrogant who is trying to setup strange examples among innocent beings and in the meantime acting to be nice from outside . I sometimes think , it is the real me.
I had a call with Tejas , a new customer , as the call proceeded, I could feel the pressure building, for a moment, I felt, I was spoon feeding someone who refused to read the document.
The tone changed. It was a tough tone , a damn tough tone, I rarely address customer as 'Man', BUT this time, I decided, it is gonna be Tejas and Man.
As the meeting proceeded and I fixed issue by issue, the questions started to flow tremendously, of course he was trying to grasp everything from me . All of a sudden , I checked the time, it was 7:12. Exactly 72 minutes gone by, THIS is all I had to tell before closing the call:
I am having a meeting in 3 mins and I gotta end this webex. I am marking this case for closure and if you get any new ones, please raise a new case and will take it from there. There was surprize, he said , you gotta wait till I confirm, I asked, why wait when the issue is resolved.
There was a pause , I said - LET me know if you got any concerns. There was a shift of tone, it said - YES.
Sometimes, the question of character comes to play with the act of professionalism. People might write this and that on the former, but this experience that I am gaining is what is gonna turn about the situation.
Tough times with tough people, it simple makes you tougher. Sometimes, it might lead to a complete downfall. Whatsover the case might be, be sure that nothing is gonna change that attitude which is stuck and make sure , you are not digging your grave anymore.
The saw always digs for the other, not for itself.