Sunday, July 15, 2012

In the Simplest Terms

With an eyebrow raised , he stared at the pics that his son was giggling at. What the hell is happening. There was no camera when it happened, but how come!! Sometimes, you cant reason the reality as it simply gets you surprized . "You need to grow up dad " said his happy son sitting near him. 

Mom never showed his sons pics when he was 1 or two. Whenever a photo was about to be taken , Raghu's dad used to dress up him the way he was born . Seeing those pics in FB was some kinda surprize to him. What was more surprizing was the feel of getting to know that his mom had an efbee account.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Software Engineer

I brew beer I taste wine I live in Bangalore I love to eat I love sleep
I rarely walk Minicular details of life never really hurt me
It is ignorance and selfishness that rule here
They tell it is all about good relations and happens to be true that
I am planning to spend the rest of ma life at this wonderful place of multi dialects and people.
Maybe the place I work is going through a tough financial period as of now.
However, my hopes are  running high on what is done.
Yesterday , I requested my dad for my demat account .

I joined this place as employee on June 4th and it has been more than a month.
Maybe I have been dreaming less these days as it is reality that happens to interest me more here.

I hope life does turns out to be what I not expect out of it.

DYANMISM rules !!